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Game Night

To be held at The Drift In
Feb. 24th from 7 to 11 pm


Come support the parade and have some fun. There are many games to choose from. Bring your friends and get a game going. Play the Big LCR Game (it's easy to play, no skill is required, and directions will be given out at the door) for a $20 entry fee, up to 10 tables of 10. The winner of each table wins $50 and moves on to a finals table, and the 1st and 2nd places win $$$. Prize $ based on the number of entries. After the Big Game, we will have smaller single tables of 10 with a $ 5 entry. The winner gets $30. We will also have a raffle for some great donations from local merchants.

A few pictures below from 2020 & 24 Game Night

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Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade
Scituate St. Patrick's Parade Inc.

44 Hawley Rd
Scituate, MA 02066

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